Anavar – Steroids.TO Tue, 31 Oct 2023 09:41:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Anavar – Steroids.TO 32 32 Oxandrolone Tablets Bayer 100 tabs [10mg/tab] Mon, 09 Oct 2023 11:05:16 +0000 Bayer labs oxandrolone

100 tabs (10mg/tab)

L'articolo Oxandrolone Tablets Bayer 100 tabs [10mg/tab] proviene da Steroids.TO.

Anavar is a mild anabolic steroid and widely used by many athletes and body builders. The chief reason for its use is that the drug can help one gain weight.


One of the main reasons why this drug is very popular among athletes is that it does not get converted into estrogen. This results in less gynecomastia. Some even claim that the water retention is much less with this drug.


Anavar was first introduced in the North American Market nearly 50 years ago. During the early days it was used to treat a variety of infertility disorders, anemias and those ill individuals in hospitals who were wasting away. However, the drug is not widely used in clinical medicine today. Anavar has two major advantages compared to other anabolic steroids. It does not get converted into estrogen and it does not significantly influence the hypothalamic pituitary tract at low doses. What this means is that because it is not broken down to estrogen, males will not develop breast enlargement. Secondly, because it does not affect the hypothalamic pituitary axis, it does not affect the suppression of testosterone. This means that the individual taking Anavar will not have such side effects like loss of libido, impotence or testicular atrophy- features that are commonly seen with other anabolic steroids.



Oxandrin is a both an anabolic steroid and has all the properties of an androgenic drug. The actions of the drug are similar to those seen with testosterone. At low doses the drug has selective anabolic properties, but at high doses, it also has potent androgenic activity. When used at high doses, the drug can influence the hypothalamus and suppress the release of the Gonadotropins and this leads to a decrease in the synthesis of testosterone. Like all other anabolic steroids, Oxandrin also increases the levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and decreases the levels of “good” HDL cholesterol. Anavar is one of the few anabolic steroids which is not converted to estrogen at low doses.   



The drug is rarely used in clinical medicine. In the past decades, it was used to treat individuals with a variety of anemias, weight loss in HIV patients and was once tried out as treatment for osteoporosis. However, the widespread abuse of this drug led Searle in 1989, to cease production of the drug. Today, the drug is made by Savient Pharmaceutical, under the trade name Oxandrin. Today, some physicians do prescribe Oxandrin to treat moribund patients gain weight after trauma, burns or serious infections. Sometimes it is combined with corticosteroids for the treatment of bone pain in cancer patients.



For use in patients for anemia or to help individuals gain weight, the adult dose is 2.5- 20 mg/day in 2-4 divided doses. Some individuals see a response with the lowest dose and others require a large dose 30-150 mg/day. The duration of therapy is usually 3-6 weeks. The dose is increased gradually when no response is seen in the first 4 weeks. Oxandrin is available as a tablet in doses of 2.5 mg or 10 mg.
Like all anabolic steroids, Oxandrin also has some side effects. At the low doses, the majority of side effects are minor. The side effects at low dose may include some minor abdominal discomfort, nausea or diarrhea. However, at high doses the side effects include:

rare hepatic necrosis
liver cancers
general malaise
testicular atrophy
hair loss
breast enlargement
stomach cramps, nausea, bloating
acne, oily skin
menstrual irregularities
testicular atrophy

The majority of these side effects are reversible when the drug is stopped. 



There are a few conditions where Oxandrolone should not be used. These include patients with:
suspected prostate cancer
breast cancer in male or female
if there is evidence of hypercalcemia
allergy to anabolic steroids


Body builders

Many body builders take Anavar. The drug is easily absorbed after ingestion and should be taken with a meal. The typical dose for men is one tablet twice a day. Females need to take only one tablet a day. The majority of body builders usually start at the low dose. Many athletes combine Anavar with other drugs, since at low doses Anavar has minimal side effects. It is often combined with dianabol, winstrol or anadriol. The duration of treatment is anywhere from 4-8 weeks. The exact dosage to begin treatment is variable but most experts recommend 5 mg total per day and gradually increasing the dose over 2-3 weeks.


Anavar is heavily favored by women because it has minimal virilizing effects at low dose. However, if the dose is greater than 5 mg per day and if the duration of treatment is longer than 6 weeks, signs of musculanization will become evident. The weight gain by Anavar is slow and gradual. Most body builders see weight gain after 3-4 weeks.


Signs of Virilization include the following:

Deep voice
Decrease libido
Clitoral enlargement
Excessive hair growth
Women who do develop virilizing signs should stop the drug immediately. While the acne and excessive hair growth may reverse, the other virilizing signs are not always reversible.



All anabolic steroids have the potential to damage the liver and cause jaundice. There are many cases of individuals who have developed both liver dysfunction and ever growths on the liver. The most serious complication of any anabolic steroid is liver cancer and thus, all individuals who do take this drug should be aware of this complication. Perhaps routine liver enzymes and even an annual ultrasound of the liver would not be a bad idea.



The majority of anabolic steroids are generally quite safe and overdose is very unlikely. Even if one were to take many pills, the acute effects of Anavar are not life threatening- but you won’t be feeling great for a long time. In any case, a visit to the Emergency room is highly recommended if such an event were to occur. The treatment of all steroidal overdose is supportive.



The price of Anavar for 100 tablets (2.5mg)  ranges anywhere from $100-$150. However, the drug is in high demand and there are a lot of reports about counterfeit Anavar formulations. Many suppliers sell fake drugs and because the buyer is performing an illegal act to begin with, he/she has little recourse. Always get your supply from a reputable dealer. Many body builders also get their supplies from Mexico, but the purity or the quality cannot be guaranteed. On the other hand, if you want to be safe and have the money, the “real” Anavar sold from the pharmacies costs anywhere from $700-1200 for 100 tablets.



Anavar and its metabolites are easily detected in the urine. Most of the major sports organizations now regularly screen the urine for all anabolic steroids. Some metabolites of Anavar will remain in the body anywhere from 7-14 days after the last dose.   



Anavar is a Controlled substance and its selling and distribution is forbiden in the USA. The DEA regularly monitors the sell of this drug both in pharmacies and over the internet. Since the drug is not for clinical use in the USA, even personal possession of Anavar is considered a crime.


Alternative designation

anavar, oxan, oxandro, oxandrolon, oxandrolone, oxandrol, oxydrol, bonavar, oxacaps, oxan LA, oxan genesis, oxandrolone extreme, Anavar, Anatrophill, Antitriol, Lipidex, Lonavar, Lonovar, Oxandrin, Oxandrolone SPA, Protivar, Vasorome-Kowa

L'articolo Oxandrolone Tablets Bayer 100 tabs [10mg/tab] proviene da Steroids.TO.

Oxanabol Tablets Alpha Pharma [10mg/tab] – Anavar Mon, 09 Oct 2023 11:05:10 +0000 - Oxandrolone [Anavar]

- Alpha Pharma

- price for 50 tablets [10mg/tab]

L'articolo Oxanabol Tablets Alpha Pharma [10mg/tab] – Anavar proviene da Steroids.TO.

Anavar was the old U.s. brand name for the oral steroid oxandrolone, initially handled in 1964 by the medication producer Searle. It was composed as an amazingly gentle anabolic, one that could even be securely utilized as a development stimulant within youngsters. One promptly thinks about the standard stress, “steroids will stunt development”. Anyhow it is really the overabundance estrogen prepared by most steroids that is the offender, in the same way that it is the motivation behind why ladies quit developing sooner and have a shorter normal stature than men. Oxandrolone won’t aromatize, and in this way the anabolic impact of the compound can really advertise direct development. Ladies normally endure this medication well at low dosages, and at one time it was endorsed for the medicine of osteoporosis. As the sentiments encompassing steroids started to change in the 1980’s, medicines for oxandrolone started to drop. Slacking deals presumably headed Searle to cease fabricate in 1989, and it had vanished from U.s. drug stores up to this point. Oxandrolone tablets are again accessible inside the U.s. by BTG, bearing the new brand name Oxandrin. BTG bought rights to the pill from Searle and it is presently fabricated for the new reason for treating HIV/AIDS related squandering syndrome.

Anavar is a gentle anabolic with low androgenic movement. Its lessened androgenic movement is because of the way that it is a subsidiary of dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Despite the fact that one may feel that this might make it a more androgenic steroid, it actually makes a steroid that is less androgenic in light of the fact that it is as of now “5-alpha diminished”. As such, it fails to offer the ability to collaborate with the 5-alpha reductase protein and believer to a more powerful “dihydro° structure. It is a basic matter of where a steroid is equipped for being potentiated in the body, and with oxandrolone we don’t have the same potential as testosterone, which is a few times more dynamic in androgen responsive tissues contrasted with muscle tissue because of its change to DHT. It quintessence oxandrolone has an adjusted level of power in both muscle and androgenic target tissues, for example, the scalp, skin and prostate. This is a comparable circumstance as is noted with Primobolan and Winstrol, which are additionally inferred from dihydrotestosterone yet not known to be exceptionally androgenic substances

This steroid works well for the advancement of quality and duality bulk picks up, in spite of the fact that its mellow nature makes it short of what perfect for building purposes. Around juicers it is most regularly utilized throughout cutting periods of preparing when water maintenance is a worry. The standard dose for men is in the extent of 20-50mg for every day, a level that ought to prepare recognizable outcomes. It could be further joined together with anabolics like Primobolan and Winstrol to inspire a harder, more characterized look without included water maintenance. Such mixtures are exceptionally prevalent and can drastically upgrade the show physical make-up. One can additionally include solid non-aromatizing androgens like Halotestin, Proviron or trenbolone. For this situation the androgen truly serves to solidify up the muscles, while in the meantime making conditions more ideal for fat diminishment. A few competitors do decide to consolidate oxandrolone into building stacks, however for the most part with standard building pills like testosterone or Dianabol. The typical objective in this occasion is an extra addition of quality, and additionally more quality look to the androgen mass. Ladies who dread the masculinizing impacts of numerous steroids might be very open to utilizing this pill, as this is infrequently seen with low dosages. Here an every day dose of 5mg ought to illegal impressive development without the perceptible androgenic reactions of different pills. Excited females may wish to expansion gentle anabolics like Winstrol, Primobolan or Durabolin. At the point when joined with such anabolics, the client ought to perceive speedier, more maintained muscle-building impacts, yet might likewise improve the probability of androgenic development.

Studies utilizing low doses of this compound note negligible impedances with regular testosterone handling. Similarly when it is utilized alone as a part of little sums there is normally no need for auxiliary pills like Clomid/Nolvadex or HCG. This has a considerable measure to do with the way that it doesn’t change over to estrogen, which we know has a to a great degree significant impact on endogenous hormone processing. Without estrogen to trigger negative reaction, we appear to note a higher limit before restraint is noted. However at higher measurements obviously, a concealment of common testosterone levels will even now happen with this medication as with any anabolic/androgenic steroid and hence oblige post cycle help to restore the HPTA.

Anavar is additionally a 17alpha alkylated oral steroid, convey a modification that will put push on the liver. It is critical to call attention to however that dispite this change oxandrolone is by and large extremely decently endured. While liver chemical tests will every so often show lifted qualities, genuine harm because of this steroid is not typically an issue. Bio-Technology General states that oxandrolone is not as widely metabolized by the liver as other l7aa orals may be; confirm by the way that almost a third of the compound is still in place when discharged in the pee. This may need to do with the comprehended milder nature of this operator (contrasted with other l7aa orals) regarding hepatotoxicity. One study contrasting the impacts of oxandrolone with different executors including as methyltestosterone, norethandrolone, fluoxymesterone and methandriol plainly upholds this thought. Here it was exhibited that oxandrolone causes the most minimal sulfobromophthalein (BSP; a marker of liver anxiety) maintenance around all the alkylated orals tried. 20mg of oxandrolone indeed prepared 72% less BSP maintenance than an equivalent measurements of fluoxyrnesterone, which is a significant distinction being that they have the same liver-lethal adjustment. With such discoveries, joined with the way that players seldom report issue with this pill, most feel good accepting it to be much more secure to use throughout more cycles than the vast majority of different orals with this qualification. Despite the fact that this may possibly be correct, the shot of liver harm still can’t be rejected, particularly with hogher measurements.

At one time oxandrolone was likewise taken a gander at as a conceivable medication for those anguish from scatters of elevated cholesterol or triglycerides. Early studies demonstrated to it to be fit for bringing down aggregate cholesterol and triglyceride values in specific sorts of hyperlipidemic patients, which at first this was thought to mean potential for this medication as a hypo-(lipid bringing down) executor. With further examination we discover however that while utilization of this pill might be joined to a bringing down of aggregate cholesterol values, it is such that a redistribution in the proportion of great (HDL) to terrible (LDL) cholesterol happens, typically moving values in an unfavorable course. This might obviously nullify any positive impact that the medication may have on triglycerides or aggregate cholesterol, and indeed make it a risk as far as heart danger when taken for delayed times of time. Today we comprehend that as a gathering anabolic/androgenic steroids process extremely unfavorable changes in lipid profiles, and are truly not valuable in scatters of lipid digestion system. As an oral c17 alpha alkylated steroid, oxandrolone is most likely much more hazardous to use than an injectable esterified injectable, for example, a testosterone or nandrolone in this regard.

L'articolo Oxanabol Tablets Alpha Pharma [10mg/tab] – Anavar proviene da Steroids.TO.

Oxadrol Shree Venkatesh (Oxandrolone, Anavar) 50tabs (10mg/tab) Mon, 09 Oct 2023 11:05:07 +0000 - Manufacturer: Shree Venkatesh Pharmaceuticals

- Pack: 50 tablets (10mg/tab)

- Chemical Substance : Oxandrolone (Anavar)

Pharmaceutical Grade Product.

L'articolo Oxadrol Shree Venkatesh (Oxandrolone, Anavar) 50tabs (10mg/tab) proviene da Steroids.TO.

L'articolo Oxadrol Shree Venkatesh (Oxandrolone, Anavar) 50tabs (10mg/tab) proviene da Steroids.TO.

Oxandrolone 10mg (Anavar) Euromed 100 tablets (10mg/tab) Mon, 09 Oct 2023 11:05:03 +0000 - Manufacturer: Euromed, made in E.U.

- Pack: 100 tablets (10mg/tab)

- Chemical Substance : Oxandrolone

L'articolo Oxandrolone 10mg (Anavar) Euromed 100 tablets (10mg/tab) proviene da Steroids.TO.

L'articolo Oxandrolone 10mg (Anavar) Euromed 100 tablets (10mg/tab) proviene da Steroids.TO.

Oxandrolon [Anavar] Nouveaux 100 tablets [10mg/tab] Mon, 09 Oct 2023 11:04:55 +0000 Chemical substance: Oxandrolone [Anavar]

Manufacturer: Nouveaux Ltd

Pack: 100 tablets [10mg/tab]

L'articolo Oxandrolon [Anavar] Nouveaux 100 tablets [10mg/tab] proviene da Steroids.TO.

L'articolo Oxandrolon [Anavar] Nouveaux 100 tablets [10mg/tab] proviene da Steroids.TO.

Oxandrolone [Anavar] Nouveaux 100 tablets [10mg/tab] Fri, 20 Dec 2019 06:31:50 +0000 - Oxandrolone [Anavar]

- Nouveaux Ltd

- 100 tablets [10mg/tab]

L'articolo Oxandrolone [Anavar] Nouveaux 100 tablets [10mg/tab] proviene da Steroids.TO.

L'articolo Oxandrolone [Anavar] Nouveaux 100 tablets [10mg/tab] proviene da Steroids.TO.

Oxandrolon [Anavar] DNA labs 100 tablets [10mg/tab] Sat, 22 Dec 2018 12:56:10 +0000 – Oxandrolone [Anavar]

L'articolo Oxandrolon [Anavar] DNA labs 100 tablets [10mg/tab] proviene da Steroids.TO.

– Oxandrolone [Anavar]

L'articolo Oxandrolon [Anavar] DNA labs 100 tablets [10mg/tab] proviene da Steroids.TO.

Oxa-Med Bioniche Pharmacy (Anavar, Oxandrolone) 120tabs (10mg/tab) Tue, 29 Dec 2015 10:42:57 +0000 - Manufacturer: Bioniche Pharmaceuticals

- Pack: 120 tablets (10mg/tablet)

- Chemical Substance : Oxandrolone (Anavar)

Pharmaceutical Grade Product.

L'articolo Oxa-Med Bioniche Pharmacy (Anavar, Oxandrolone) 120tabs (10mg/tab) proviene da Steroids.TO.

L'articolo Oxa-Med Bioniche Pharmacy (Anavar, Oxandrolone) 120tabs (10mg/tab) proviene da Steroids.TO.

Xanavar Biosira (Anavar, Oxandrolone) 100tabs (10mg/tab) Tue, 29 Dec 2015 10:42:57 +0000 - Manufacturer: Biosira Pharmaceuticals
- Pack: 100 tablets (10mg/tab)
- Chemical Substance : Oxandrolone

L'articolo Xanavar Biosira (Anavar, Oxandrolone) 100tabs (10mg/tab) proviene da Steroids.TO.

L'articolo Xanavar Biosira (Anavar, Oxandrolone) 100tabs (10mg/tab) proviene da Steroids.TO.

Oxatab Nove Pharm 100 tabs [10mg/tab] Thu, 01 Jan 2015 13:03:10 +0000 NovePharm Oxandrolone

100 tabs (10mg/tab)

L'articolo Oxatab Nove Pharm 100 tabs [10mg/tab] proviene da Steroids.TO.

Anavar is a mild anabolic steroid and widely used by many athletes and body builders. The chief reason for its use is that the drug can help one gain weight.


One of the main reasons why this drug is very popular among athletes is that it does not get converted into estrogen. This results in less gynecomastia. Some even claim that the water retention is much less with this drug.


Anavar was first introduced in the North American Market nearly 50 years ago. During the early days it was used to treat a variety of infertility disorders, anemias and those ill individuals in hospitals who were wasting away. However, the drug is not widely used in clinical medicine today. Anavar has two major advantages compared to other anabolic steroids. It does not get converted into estrogen and it does not significantly influence the hypothalamic pituitary tract at low doses. What this means is that because it is not broken down to estrogen, males will not develop breast enlargement. Secondly, because it does not affect the hypothalamic pituitary axis, it does not affect the suppression of testosterone. This means that the individual taking Anavar will not have such side effects like loss of libido, impotence or testicular atrophy- features that are commonly seen with other anabolic steroids.



Oxandrin is a both an anabolic steroid and has all the properties of an androgenic drug. The actions of the drug are similar to those seen with testosterone. At low doses the drug has selective anabolic properties, but at high doses, it also has potent androgenic activity. When used at high doses, the drug can influence the hypothalamus and suppress the release of the Gonadotropins and this leads to a decrease in the synthesis of testosterone. Like all other anabolic steroids, Oxandrin also increases the levels of “bad” LDL cholesterol and decreases the levels of “good” HDL cholesterol. Anavar is one of the few anabolic steroids which is not converted to estrogen at low doses.   



The drug is rarely used in clinical medicine. In the past decades, it was used to treat individuals with a variety of anemias, weight loss in HIV patients and was once tried out as treatment for osteoporosis. However, the widespread abuse of this drug led Searle in 1989, to cease production of the drug. Today, the drug is made by Savient Pharmaceutical, under the trade name Oxandrin. Today, some physicians do prescribe Oxandrin to treat moribund patients gain weight after trauma, burns or serious infections. Sometimes it is combined with corticosteroids for the treatment of bone pain in cancer patients.



For use in patients for anemia or to help individuals gain weight, the adult dose is 2.5- 20 mg/day in 2-4 divided doses. Some individuals see a response with the lowest dose and others require a large dose 30-150 mg/day. The duration of therapy is usually 3-6 weeks. The dose is increased gradually when no response is seen in the first 4 weeks. Oxandrin is available as a tablet in doses of 2.5 mg or 10 mg.
Like all anabolic steroids, Oxandrin also has some side effects. At the low doses, the majority of side effects are minor. The side effects at low dose may include some minor abdominal discomfort, nausea or diarrhea. However, at high doses the side effects include:

rare hepatic necrosis
liver cancers
general malaise
testicular atrophy
hair loss
breast enlargement
stomach cramps, nausea, bloating
acne, oily skin
menstrual irregularities
testicular atrophy

The majority of these side effects are reversible when the drug is stopped. 



There are a few conditions where Oxandrolone should not be used. These include patients with:
suspected prostate cancer
breast cancer in male or female
if there is evidence of hypercalcemia
allergy to anabolic steroids


Body builders

Many body builders take Anavar. The drug is easily absorbed after ingestion and should be taken with a meal. The typical dose for men is one tablet twice a day. Females need to take only one tablet a day. The majority of body builders usually start at the low dose. Many athletes combine Anavar with other drugs, since at low doses Anavar has minimal side effects. It is often combined with dianabol, winstrol or anadriol. The duration of treatment is anywhere from 4-8 weeks. The exact dosage to begin treatment is variable but most experts recommend 5 mg total per day and gradually increasing the dose over 2-3 weeks.


Anavar is heavily favored by women because it has minimal virilizing effects at low dose. However, if the dose is greater than 5 mg per day and if the duration of treatment is longer than 6 weeks, signs of musculanization will become evident. The weight gain by Anavar is slow and gradual. Most body builders see weight gain after 3-4 weeks.


Signs of Virilization include the following:

Deep voice
Decrease libido
Clitoral enlargement
Excessive hair growth
Women who do develop virilizing signs should stop the drug immediately. While the acne and excessive hair growth may reverse, the other virilizing signs are not always reversible.



All anabolic steroids have the potential to damage the liver and cause jaundice. There are many cases of individuals who have developed both liver dysfunction and ever growths on the liver. The most serious complication of any anabolic steroid is liver cancer and thus, all individuals who do take this drug should be aware of this complication. Perhaps routine liver enzymes and even an annual ultrasound of the liver would not be a bad idea.



The majority of anabolic steroids are generally quite safe and overdose is very unlikely. Even if one were to take many pills, the acute effects of Anavar are not life threatening- but you won’t be feeling great for a long time. In any case, a visit to the Emergency room is highly recommended if such an event were to occur. The treatment of all steroidal overdose is supportive.



The price of Anavar for 100 tablets (2.5mg)  ranges anywhere from $100-$150. However, the drug is in high demand and there are a lot of reports about counterfeit Anavar formulations. Many suppliers sell fake drugs and because the buyer is performing an illegal act to begin with, he/she has little recourse. Always get your supply from a reputable dealer. Many body builders also get their supplies from Mexico, but the purity or the quality cannot be guaranteed. On the other hand, if you want to be safe and have the money, the “real” Anavar sold from the pharmacies costs anywhere from $700-1200 for 100 tablets.



Anavar and its metabolites are easily detected in the urine. Most of the major sports organizations now regularly screen the urine for all anabolic steroids. Some metabolites of Anavar will remain in the body anywhere from 7-14 days after the last dose.   



Anavar is a Controlled substance and its selling and distribution is forbiden in the USA. The DEA regularly monitors the sell of this drug both in pharmacies and over the internet. Since the drug is not for clinical use in the USA, even personal possession of Anavar is considered a crime.


Alternative designation

anavar, oxan, oxandro, oxandrolon, oxandrolone, oxandrol, oxydrol, bonavar, oxacaps, oxan LA, oxan genesis, oxandrolone extreme, Anavar, Anatrophill, Antitriol, Lipidex, Lonavar, Lonovar, Oxandrin, Oxandrolone SPA, Protivar, Vasorome-Kowa

L'articolo Oxatab Nove Pharm 100 tabs [10mg/tab] proviene da Steroids.TO.
