Exemestane - Steroïden.TO https://steroids.to/nl_nl Tue, 31 Oct 2023 09:41:47 +0000 nl-NL per uur 1 https://steroids.to/wp-content/uploads/2023/09/favicon-100x99.jpg Exemestane - Steroïden.TO https://steroids.to/nl_nl 32 32 Aromex Alpha Pharma 25mg (exemastane) 30tabs https://steroids.to/nl_nl/product/aromex-alfarma-25mg-exemastaan-30tabs/ ma, 09 okt 2023 11:05:21 +0000 https://steroids.to/?post_type=product&p=15695 exemastane 25mg

L'articolo Aromex Alpha Pharma 25mg (exemastane) 30tabs proviene da Steroids.TO.

Aromasin (exemestane) lowers estrogen levels in postmenopausal women, which may slow the growth of certain types of breast tumors that need estrogen to grow.
Aromasin is used to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal women. It is often given to women whose cancer has progressed even after taking tamoxifen (Nolvadex, Soltamox) for 2 to 3 years.
Aromasin may also be used for other purposes not listed.

Important information about Aromasin
Aromasin can cause harm to an unborn baby. Do not use this medicine without telling your doctor if you are pregnant. It could harm the unborn baby. Use effective birth control, and tell your doctor if you become pregnant during treatment with Aromasin.
You may need to take a pregnancy test before using Aromasin, to make sure you are not pregnant.
You also should not use Aromasin if you are breast-feeding a baby, or if you are allergic to exemestane.
Before using Aromasin, tell your doctor if you have severe liver or kidney disease, or if you have not yet completed menopause. If you have any of these conditions, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests to safely take this medicine.
You may need to keep taking this medicine for up to 5 years. Follow your doctor’s instructions.
Aromasin may not work as well if you take it together with hormone replacement medication, or while using birth control pills or patches.

Before taking Aromasin
You should not use Aromasin if you are allergic to exemestane, or if you are pregnant or breast-feeding.
If you have any of these other conditions, you may need a dose adjustment or special tests to safely use this medication:
liver disease;
kidney disease; or
not yet completed menopause.

FDA pregnancy category D. Aromasin can cause harm to an unborn baby. Do not use this medication without telling your doctor if you are pregnant. It could harm the unborn baby. Use effective birth control, and tell your doctor if you become pregnant during treatment.

L'articolo Aromex Alpha Pharma 25mg (exemastane) 30tabs proviene da Steroids.TO.

Etadron [Exemestane] 30 tabletten [25mg/tab] https://steroids.to/nl_nl/product/etadron-exemestaan-30-tabletten-25mgtab/ Tue, 19 Apr 2016 17:04:21 +0000 https://steroids.to/product/etadron-exemestane-30-tablets-25mgtab/
  • 30 tablets [25mg/tab]
  • Pharmaceutical grade product
  • Exemestane
  • L'articolo Etadron [Exemestane] 30 tablets [25mg/tab] proviene da Steroids.TO.

    L'articolo Etadron [Exemestane] 30 tablets [25mg/tab] proviene da Steroids.TO.

    Aromasin 25mg Tabletten (Exemestane) Pfizer TR 30 Tabs https://steroids.to/nl_nl/product/aromasin-25mg-tabletten-exemestaan-pfizer-tr-30-tabs/ Wed, 09 Dec 2015 16:18:38 +0000 https://steroids.to/product/aromasin-25mg-tablets-exemestane-pfizer-tr-30-tabs/
  • Manufacturer: PFIZER TR 
  • Pharmaceutical name: Aromasin 
  • Raw Material: Exemestane 
  • Pack: 30 Tablets (25mg/tab)
  • L'articolo Aromasin 25mg Tablets (Exemestane) Pfizer TR 30 Tabs proviene da Steroids.TO.

    L'articolo Aromasin 25mg Tablets (Exemestane) Pfizer TR 30 Tabs proviene da Steroids.TO.
