Boldenone Undecylenate - Steroids.TO Tir, 31 Okt 2023 09:39:54 +0000 da-DK hver time 1 Boldenone Undecylenate - Steroids.TO 32 32 Boldenone Undecylenate March 1ml amp [200mg/1ml]. Man, 09 Okt 2023 11:05:13 +0000 Boldenone Undecylenate March labs

1ml amp (200mg)

L'articolo Boldenone Undecylenate March 1ml amp [200mg/1ml] proviene da Steroids.TO.

Equipoise (boldenone undecylenate) is an anabolic steroid sold under many other names like Boldenone, Ganabol and Ultragan. It is a synthetic anabolic steroid with a similar structure to testosterone.


The drug is only recommended for use in veterinary medicine. It has never been approved for use in humans in North America. Boldenone has come to fame mainly because of its abuse by bodybuilders.



Boldenone is like many other synthetic steroids. It is a potent anabolic agent at low doses and at high doses possesses both anabolic and androgenic properties. At low doses it can build the body when the diet is rich in calories.  However, because it acts like an anabolic steroid, it can suppress the normal synthesis of testosterone in the testes. This can lead to impairment in spermatogenesis and decrease in libido.


When the drug is taken in high doses, it can also be converted into estrogen which can result in gynecomastia and also leads to water retention.


One other feature of Equipoise is that it can stimulate erythropoiesis (an increase in red blood cells). The mechanism for this effect has been associated with stimulation of the erythropoietin stimulating factor which then stimulates the bone marrow. The resulting increase in red blood cells, leads to more hemoglobin and a higher oxygen carrying capacity. Equipose, like other anabolic steroids can also cause changes in electrolytes because of its potent mineralocorticoid properties.


One major negative of Equipose, unlike its other analogues, is that it can stay in the body for a very long time. It has a prolonged half life because the drug does stay bound to tissues and is not broken down by the liver. Many reports indicate that the drug can be detected as long as 12-15 months after first use.



How the drug went from horses to humans is not really known. But the fact is that Boldenone does have potent anabolic activity and low androgenic activity and is useful for building body mass. Boldenone can also cause a significant retention of water and sodium at high doses. Like all anabolic steroids it increases nitrogen balance and protein synthesis. The drug is also known to stimulate the kidney and can release EPO-which then stimulates the synthesis of red blood cell in the bone marrow.


This leads to enhanced oxygen carrying capacity. Even though the drug is only meant for animal use, many bodybuilders routinely use it. The drug is often taken in conjunction with other anabolic steroids. Because of its long half life, many bodybuilders take the drug during off season to avoid detection. The drug is continued for a few months and then stopped when the sports season starts. Boldenone is also a potent appetite stimulant. 


Boldenone does not immediately cause weight gain. It is much slower than many other anabolic steroids. The muscle mass is typically gained over 4-8 weeks and is steady. The majority of bodybuilders notice that the weight gain is more durable and longer lasting after several cycles, with each cycle lasting about 8 weeks. The one great thing about this drug is that the weight gain is pure muscle mass and not related to water.


Boldenone is not a drug one should take during the active sports season. It has a very long half life and is readily detectable in the body. The majority of bodybuilders use it during off season to build up the bulk. Often it is combined with other drugs like Anadrol, Anavar and Sustanol. When the diet is rich in calories, the size of muscles can be impressive.



Since the drug has never been approved for human use, the dose of the drug has been derived by simply guess work. Someone has analyzed what horses require than simply extrapolated that dose to humans. The common dose for body building is not known. It varies from 200—800 mg/week. The recommended dose in horses is about 1mg/kg every 2-3 weeks. Most bodybuilders administer about 400mg/week. It is claimed that doses lower than 300mg/week do not help gain weight.


Boldenone is administered as an intramuscular injection. With the formulations available today, it cannot be taken orally. The drug is injected into the buttock area with care. Since the drug comes as an oily suspension, one should not inject more than 4-8 mls at a time. Large volumes of fluid in the buttock area can cause pain and are very uncomfortable. The dose for women bodybuilders is about 50-75 mg/week. If the injections are painful one can inject the drug in 2-3 different sites or change the dosing to 2-3 times a week- same dose but smaller amounts given every other day.


The oily suspension can irritate the skin and it is recommended that the site be rotated every week. Besides the buttocks one can inject the drug into the outer parts of the thighs. The drug is quite painful when injected in the arms.


Side Effects

 Boldenone is an anabolic steroid and has the full spectrum of side effects which include:


Oily skin


Hair loss

Mood changes- aggression, paranoia, depression

Water retention

Swelling, edema

High blood pressure


Gynecomastia at high doses

Testicular atrophy

Possible liver cancer



Unlike other anabolic steroids, the side effects of Boldenone do persist for a long time even after the drug is stopped. Some individuals will continue to have acne and oily skin for months.



While Boldenone is not acutely toxic, the drug is not recommended for use in individuals who


are pregnant

have prostate or breast cancer

have liver problems

have a history of heart disease

renal failure




All anabolic steroids come with a warning that they have the potential to cause damage to your liver, decrease libido and shrink your testes. There are numerous reports that prolonged intake of boldenone can lead to severe alterations in sexual behavior and spontaneous changes with mood. Aggression and violent behavior have been widely reported after the use of most anabolic steroids.


Over dosage

Like most anabolic steroids, over dosage is very unlikely with boldenone. Even if someone took many pills at the same time, the major problem would be nausea, vomiting or abdominal cramping. In any case, the individual should go to the hospital for monitoring and supportive care. Since all anabolic steroids can damage the liver, measurement of liver enzymes is essential.



The very lucrative anabolic steroid market has led to many unscrupulous sellers, esp. on the internet selling fraudulent steroids. Since the drug is only available on the black market, many consumers have no recourse even if they know they have been suckered into buying a counterfeit or fake product. And there are lots of reports of counterfeit or contaminated Boldenone formulations. In the USA, the boldenone is smuggled in from Mexico, Japan, Thailand and South America. Once upon a time there were tablets of 25 and 50 mg available as well as liquid formulations of 50 cc vials. However, it is now evident that the tablets were not Boldenone but a mixture of other steroids. The price for 10 mls vial (50mg/ml) averages about $50-$75. Because of the fake products and contamination, always get your drug from a reputable dealer. The cyberspace is full of charlatans who will sell you junk because they do know you can’t go and complain to anyone about the product they sell you.



Boldenone is not for use in humans and the FDA has classified this drug under the Controlled Substance Act as a Schedule 3 drug. The drug is unlawful to possess, distribute or for personal use.



Boldenone has a very long half life and can remain in the body for months or even years. The oily emulsion has an affinity for fatty tissues and resides in the body for months. The metabolites of boldenone have been found in urine 12 months after the last injection. So one has to have a plan before shooting this drug. If you are going to enter a competition in the next few months, boldenone is the last drug you should inject. It is best reserved for the novice athlete who is just starting out and wants to build his/her body. Further one must not anticipate engaging in sports for that time period. Every sporting organization has banned the use of the drug and it is always checked in the urine. The tests available can identify boldenone and its metabolites.


Alternative designation

bold, bolde, bolden, boldene, boldeno, boldenon, boldenone, bold 250, bolde 250, genesis, undecylenat, undecylenate, march, boldo, boldoj, boldoje, boldojec, boldoject, boldoject 200, ec, euroche, eurochem, equipois, equipoise, equipoise 250, maxpro, vebol, vebold, vebolde, veboldex, veboldex 250, thaiger pharma, x-bold, x-bolde, x-bolden, x-boldeno, x-boldenon, x boldenon, extrem, extreme, ganabol, ultragan, Boldane, Boldebal-H, Equipoise, Ganabol, Pace, Parenabol, Sybolin, Vebonol

L'articolo Boldenone Undecylenate March 1ml amp [200mg/1ml] proviene da Steroids.TO.

Bolda Vedi-Pharma [Boldenone Undecylenate] 10ml [300mg/ml] Man, 09 Okt 2023 11:04:59 +0000 – Boldenone Undecylenate

L'articolo Bolda Vedi-Pharma [Boldenone Undecylenate] 10ml [300mg/ml] proviene da Steroids.TO.

– Boldenone Undecylenate

L'articolo Bolda Vedi-Pharma [Boldenone Undecylenate] 10ml [300mg/ml] proviene da Steroids.TO.

BOLDA (Boldenone undecylenate) Aquila Pharmaceuticals 10X1ML ampul [300mg/ml]. Fri, 03 Jan 2020 06:34:05 +0000 Brand: Aquila Pharmaceuticals

Pack: 10X1ML ampoule [300mg/ml]

Chemical Substance: Boldenone undecylenate

L'articolo BOLDA (Boldenone undecylenate) Aquila Pharmaceuticals 10X1ML ampoule [300mg/ml] proviene da Steroids.TO.

L'articolo BOLDA (Boldenone undecylenate) Aquila Pharmaceuticals 10X1ML ampoule [300mg/ml] proviene da Steroids.TO.

Dihydroboldenon Cypionat DNA [1-Test Cyp] 10 ml [200 mg/ml]. Tue, 26 Feb 2019 09:47:32 +0000 Substance: Dihydroboldenone cypionate

Manufacturer: DNA laboratories, UK.

Pack: 10ml [200mg/ml]

L'articolo Dihydroboldenone Cypionate DNA [1-Test Cyp] 10ml [200mg/ml] proviene da Steroids.TO.

L'articolo Dihydroboldenone Cypionate DNA [1-Test Cyp] 10ml [200mg/ml] proviene da Steroids.TO.

Boldenone Undecylenate DNA labs 10 ml [300 mg/ml]. Lør, 22 Dec 2018 12:56:10 +0000 - 10ml [300mg/ml]

- Boldenone Undecylenate

- DNA labs

L'articolo Boldenone Undecylenate DNA labs 10ml [300mg/ml] proviene da Steroids.TO.


L'articolo Boldenone Undecylenate DNA labs 10ml [300mg/ml] proviene da Steroids.TO.

Bolda-Med Bioniche Pharma (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml (300mg/ml) Tue, 29 Dec 2015 10:42:57 +0000 - Manufacturer: Bioniche Pharmaceuticals

- Pack: 10ml (300mg/1ml)

- Chemical Substance : Boldenone Undecylenate (Equipoise)

Pharmaceutical Grade Product.

L'articolo Bolda-Med Bioniche Pharma (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml (300mg/ml) proviene da Steroids.TO.

L'articolo Bolda-Med Bioniche Pharma (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10ml (300mg/ml) proviene da Steroids.TO.

Bold Titan HealthCare (Boldenone Undecylenate) Tue, 29 Dec 2015 10:42:57 +0000 - Manufacturer: Titan HealthCare

- Pack: 10X1ML amp

- 1 amp(1ml) = 250mg

- Chemical Substance : Boldenone Undecylenate

L'articolo Bold Titan HealthCare (Boldenone Undecylenate) proviene da Steroids.TO.

L'articolo Bold Titan HealthCare (Boldenone Undecylenate) proviene da Steroids.TO.

Bolden 250 BM (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10X1ML [250mg/ml]. Tue, 29 Dec 2015 10:42:57 +0000 - Chemical Substance : Boldenone Undecylenate

- Manufacturer: BM Pharmaceutical

- Pack: 10ML ->  10X1ML [250mg/ml]

- 1ml = 250mg

L'articolo Bolden 250 BM (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10X1ML [250mg/ml] proviene da Steroids.TO.

L'articolo Bolden 250 BM (Boldenone Undecylenate) 10X1ML [250mg/ml] proviene da Steroids.TO.

Bolde 250 Genesis 10 ampere [10x250mg/1ml]. Ons, 30 Apr 2014 07:24:10 +0000 - Boldenone Undecylenate

- Genesis pharmaceuticals

- price for 10 amps [10x250mg/1ml]

L'articolo Bolde 250 Genesis 10 amps [10x250mg/1ml] proviene da Steroids.TO.

Boldenone undecyclenate is an exceptionally mainstream steroid. Boldenone is just accessible legitimately at a veterinarian facility. Boldenone is a very anabolic, decently androgenic steroid. For this very reason, Boldenone is normally brought in a stack with different steroids like Testosterone in the event that you are on a mass cycle or maybe with Winstrol in the event that you are on a cutting cycle. The fundamental profit of taking Boldenone (Equipoise) is that Boldenone increments protein combination in the muscle cells. This impact of Boldenone is fundamentally the same to what you might encounter while taking Anavar. 

Boldenone provides for you slower yet significantly all the more excellent increases in muscle rather than the ordinary “fast” muscle picks up that you might anticipate from a testosterone. Boldenone is not a steroid to assume its own particular and want 20 lbs. in 6 weeks. It is simply not going to happen. You can need around 3 prior weeks you begin seeing effects and they are not going to be stunning, however will be “more lasting” than any increases you might get from any of the various testosterones that are accessible. Boldenone stays dynamic in the framework longer than the vast majority of the testosterones also. This settles on Boldenone a poor decision in the event that you run the likelihood of being medication tried. 

Boldenone is extremely regular in the precontest enclosure for two primary reasons. For one thing, there is a low measure of aromitization and besides there is almost no water maintenance while taking Boldenone (Equipoise). This makes Boldenone (Equipoise) a great precontest steroid. Boldenone is well known to give a great expand in the pumps you get while working out. This is created from the expansion in red platelets that you will encounter while taking Boldenone. It is additionally well known to help cause a sensational build in longing. The point when brought with a great mass building steroid like Dianabol, this is a certain equation for effective increases in bulk. 

Prescribed measurement: 100-500 mg for every week. 

In the vicinity of satisfactory protein and calories, Boldabol pushes form tissue building courses of action and can turn around catabolism. As these operators are either inferred from or are nearly identified with testosterone, the anabolics have changing degrees of androgenic impact. Boldabol, and other anabolic steroids can additionally empower erythropoisis. The instrument for this impact may happen by empowering erythropoeitic animating component. Anabolics can result in nitrogen, sodium, potassium and phosphorus maintenance and abatement the urinary discharge of calcium. 

Equipoise® is the prominently referenced brand name for the veterinary injectable steroid boldenone undecylenate. Particularly it is a subsidiary of testosterone, which displays solid anabolic and decently androgenic properties. The undecylenate ester extraordinarily grows the action of the pill (the undecylenate ester is one and only carbon molecule longer than decanoate), with the goal that clinically infusions might need to be rehashed each three or four weeks. In veterinary solution Equipoiseac is most generally utilized on steeds, showing a professed impact on lean bodyweight, hankering and general demeanor of the creature. This compound is additionally said to shows a checked capability for expanding red platelet processing, in spite of the fact that there ought to be no disarray that this is an impact normal for recently all anabolic/androgenic steroids. The great properties of this pill are extraordinarily increased in value by competitors, Equipoise® being an exceptionally mainstream injectable as of late. It is acknowledged by numerous to be a stronger, somewhat more androgenic Deca-Durabolin®. It is for the most part less expensive, and could displace Deca in most cycles without incredibly changing the finished effect. 

The symptoms connected with Equipoise® are for the most part gentle. The structure of boldenone does permit it to change over into estrogen, however it doesn’t have a to a great degree high liking to do so. To attempt and quantify this we can look to aromatization studies, which recommend that its rate of estrogen change ought to be harshly a large portion of that of testosterone’s. The inclination to create a recognizable measure of water maintenance with this pill might accordingly be marginally higher than that with Deca-Durabolino (with an expected 20a°/a transformation), yet a great deal less than what might be normal with a stronger executor, for example, Testosterone. While one does still have a shot of experiencing an estrogen related symptom in that capacity when utilizing this substance, it is not a basic issue when taken at a moderate dose level. Gynecomastia may hypothetically turn into a worry, yet is normally just hurled of with extremely delicate people or (once more) those wandering high in dose. Should estrogenic impacts get troublesome, the expansion of Nolvadex® or Proviron® ought to obviously make the cycle more average. An antiaromatase, for example, Cytadren® or Arimidex® might be stronger alternatives, however most likely not shown with a mellow pill in that capacity. 

Equipoise® can likewise transform dissimilar androgenic symptoms. Rates of sleek skin, pimple inflamation, expanded animosity and balding are moreover all conceivable with this compound, in spite of the fact that will normally be identified with the utilization of higher dosages. Ladies truth be told discover this medication very agreeable, virilization indications generally unseen when taken at low dosages. Boldenone does decrease to a more powerful androgen (dihydroboldenone) through the 5alpha reductase compound (which transforms DHT from testosterone), then again its fondness for this connection in the human figure is low to nonexistent”. We in this way can’t think about the reductase inhibitor Proscar® to be of much use with Equipoise, as it might be blocking what is even from an optimistic standpoint an immaterial way of digestion system for the steroid. Also in spite of the fact that this pill is generally gentle, it may in any case have a depressive impact on endogenous testosterone levels. A mixture of HCG and Clomid®/nolvadex® might similarly be required at the finish of each one cycle to keep away from an “accident”, especially when running long in span. 
In spite of the fact that it stays animated for an any longer time, Equipoise® is infused at any rate once for every week by competitors. It is most generally utilized at a dose of 200-400mg (4-8 ml, 50mg adaptation) for every week for men, 50-75 mg for every week for ladies. Should a 25mg rendition be the main item accessible, the infusion volume can get to be very uncomfortable. The measurements calendar might be further separated, maybe infusions given each other day to decrease uneasiness. One ought to additionally take alert to pivot infusion destinations consistently, to keep away from aggravation or tainting. Should excessively huge an oil volume be infused into one site, a canker may structure that obliges surgical emptying. To maintain a strategic distance from such an issue, players will typically confine every infusion to 3ml and reuse each one site close to once for every week, ideally every other week. With Equipoise® this may oblige utilizing the gluteus, as well as the external thighs for an infusion site. Obviously all issues connected with 25mg and 50mg dosed items are disposed of with the fresher 100 mg and 200mg/ml adaptations of this steroid, which unmistakably give the client a great deal more dose flexibility and infusion solace. 

Not a fast mass developer, rather Equipoise® will be taken a gander at to give a moderate however relentless addition of quality and quality bulk. The best impacts of this pill are seen when it is utilized for more cycles, generally enduring more than 8-10 weeks in length of time. The muscle picked up ought not be the smooth mass seen with androgens, however extremely characterized and robust. Since water bloat is not helping enormously to the measurement of the muscle, a great part of the size picked up on a cycle of Equipoise® might be held after the pill has been ceased. It is intriguing to note that structurally Equipoise® and the fantastic building pill Dianabol are practically indistinguishable. On account of Equipoise® the compound uses a l7beta ester (undecylenate), while Dianabol is 17 alpha alkylated. Aside from this the atoms are the same. Obviously they act distinctively in the physique, which goes to show the 17-methylation impacts more than simply the oral viability of a steroid. 

As talked about prior, Equipoise® is an extremely flexible compound. We can make various medication mixtures with it relying upon the craved outcome. For mass, one may need to stack it with Anadrol 50®(oxymetholone) or an injectable testosterone, for example, Sustanon 250. The effect ought to be an inconceivable addition of muscle size and quality, without the same force of symptoms if utilizing the androgen (at a higher measurement) alone. Throughout a cutting stage, muscle hardness and thickness might be incredibly enhanced when consolidating Equipoise® with a non-aromatizable steroid, for example, trenbolone acetic acid derivation, Proviron® (mesterolone; 1-methyl DHT), Halotestin® (fluoxymesterone), or Winstrol® (stanozolol). For some then again, even the low development of estrogen connected with this compound is sufficient to commit its utilization to building cycles just. 

Equipoise® is not a perfect steroid for the medication tried competitor notwithstanding. This pill tends to generate noticeable metabolites in the pee months after utilize, a stress most ordinarily connected with Deca-Durabolin®. This is obviously because of the high oil dissolvability of long chain esterified injectable steroids, a property which empowers the medication to remain kept in greasy tissues for augmented times of time. While this will dependably moderate the arrival of steroid into the circulation system, it likewise permits little remaining measures to remain introduce in the physique far after the introductory infusion. The arrival of resolved stores of hormone might probably likewise be improved around challenge time, a period when the competitor definitely endeavors to prepare unwanted muscle to fat ratio ratios. Assuming that enough were utilized within the off-season, the competitor might really come up short a medication screen for boldenone in spite of the fact that numerous months may have past since the pill was last infused. 

On the U.s. underground market a standout amongst the most prominent arrangements starting late is the new Boldenon 200 from Tokyo. This is the most astounding dosed form of this steroid ever prepared, and is in like manner sought after at this time. This is obviously an enormous change over the 25 and 50mg items circling only simply several years prior. When the Ttokkyo item Denkall had acquainted us with the 100mg rendition of their Ultragan item, which remains a mainstream and trusted thing on the underground market today. Ganabol from Middle and South America is likewise normal, and is commonplace sold in 50 ml vials. However this steroid is additionally transformed in 10, 100, and 250 ml renditions. Accessible in both 25 and 50 mg/ml variant, one might search for an extensive “50” on the name showing the stronger item. Equi-gan and Maxigan from Mexico are likewise regular starting late, and are satisfactory. A 50ml vial of either generally offers for $250-300 on the bootleg market. Tragically the weaker 25mg/ml items are normally near the price.

L'articolo Bolde 250 Genesis 10 amps [10x250mg/1ml] proviene da Steroids.TO.
