Sustanon 250 England Organon 1ml amp [250mg/1ml]



Organon England Sustanon

1 amp (250mg/1ml)


Sustanon 250 is an injectable oil dissolved in 4 – component consisting of the following four steroid testosterone:

Testosterone decanoate – 100mg
Isocaproate Testosterone – 60mg
Testosterone phenylpropionate – 60 mg
Testosterone Propionate – 30mg

The basic idea of the Organon was to avoid the combination of four steroids with different half-life in the context of a testosterone replacement therapy for the patient to daily injections. The testosterone mixture of Sustanon is coordinated so that they both an immediate, as well as a long-lasting effect (up to 1 month) offers. Testosterone propionate, for example, exerts its effect very quickly, whereas slow against the testosterone decanoate its effect but it gives off a very long time.

As with all Testosterone is an androgenic steroid Sustanon-250 with a strong anabolic component.

In bodybuilding circles is the average dosage of Sustanon is according to experience between 250mg to 1000mg per week. Even if it is active through its components is approximately 1 month, is the actual half-life of approximately 5 days. Injections should therefore every 8 – done 10 days to achieve an approximately uniform concentration.

Alternative designation

testo, testosteron, testosterone, x-sustanat, x sustanat, xsustanat, test, andropen, andropen 275, testosterone mix, testosterone compound, testosterone suspension, mix products, mx 197, omnadren, omnadren jelfa, sustaject, sustanon, sustanon 250, sustanon 250 maxpro, sustanon egypt, sustanon pakistan, sustanon karachi, sustanon holland, sustanon turkey, sustanon england, sustanon organon, testomix, Androlan Aqueous, Androlin, Andronaq-50, Histerone inj., Malogen, Malotrone, Tesamone, Testolin, Testosterone-aqueous

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