Halotestin Hubei 5mg (fluoxymesterone) 50 tabs



fluoxymesterone 5mg


Halotestin (Fluoxymesteron) is legendary among powerlifters and strength athletes. The mere word conjures up images of little mint colored pills that turn Dr. Jeckyl instantly into Mr.Hyde. Since I´m generally Mr.Hyde 24/7 this isn´t of much concern to me.. but lets see what else Halotestin can do for us.
If you´re anything like me, the first thing you´ll notice is Halotestin´s absurd Anabolic and Androgenic rating. This stuff is 19x as anabolic as testosterone and 8.5x as androgenic! Whoa! I have to admit, those numbers are a bit deceiving, and through personal experience, I can say that Halotestin will not put anywhere near as much muscle on you as testosterone. Let´s take a closer look at Halo and see what kind of realistic effects we can expect from it, and what kind of side effects we´ll be dealing with.
Firstly, I have to admit that I love this stuff, and generally its use in athletics and powerlifting is far more pronounced than it´s use in bodybuilding, where it is basically a one-trick-wonder used in the final weeks before a contest to harden up an already lean physique and give the user some added aggression during the final calorie depleted workouts before a contest. Halo has no estrogenic activity, and thus will not cause any kind of water retention or most of the bad effects associated with estrogen. It is however hepatoxic (liver toxic) and I recommend keeping doses at or around 40mgs/day for a maximum of 4-6 weeks. If you are using it for it´s pronounced effect on aggression, you can simply use 10mgs prior to a workout, I personally prefer 10mgs upon rising and 10mgs prior to a workout, during the most intense weeks of a bulking or cutting cycle. This does (as you will see later) can be used with minimum HPTA inhibition.

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